Heather Gilliam

Heather Gilliam MPH, RDN, CSOWM (Creator and Director)

  • Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice, The Institute for Functional Medicine, 2022
  • CSOWM, Certified Specialist in Obesity and Weight Management, The Commission on Dietetic Registration, 2019
  • Master’s Degree in Public Health, UCLA, 1994
  • Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, The Commission on Dietetic Registration, 1994
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Nutritional Science, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, 1991
  • Certified in Reiki Level 1

Heather has been a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist for over 30 years. For the first decade, she worked as part of the medical team in the hospital taking care of patients, as well as counseling in a multitude of outpatient clinics. As she defined her interests, the bulk of her career has been spent specifically doing outpatient nutrition counseling, workshops, classes, developing educational materials, and community outreach such as volunteerism at schools from pre-school to the high school level.

Healthy eating habits are one part of honoring our bodies that ultimately fuel our visions and ambitions. This empowers us with self-love that then can be directed towards the world. Bodies and lives can be transformed with nutrition choices.

Meet My Team

Dallas Garcia

Dallas Garcia


An aspiring Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, she received her Bachelor of Science in Dietetics from California State University, Long Beach and is currently in her Dietetic Internship. She envisions herself supporting parents and children using Satter's Division of Responsibility in Feeding to help foster nourishing and healthy lifestyles.

Elizabeth Hoffman MS, RDN, CDCES

Elizabeth Hoffman MS, RDN, CDCES

(Masters in Nutrition, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist)


Daniela Caluori

Daniela Caluori

Spanish Translator

After growing up in Argentina and learning English in school, she moved to the USA as a young adult. While here, her English became fluent, as she maintained her Argentine culture. She has spoken both English and Spanish ever since. Her philosophy towards health is simple: balance, consistency, adapt and adjust. Make space in your life for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.

Pamela Lee MPH, RDN, CDCES

(Masters in Public Health, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist)


Most of her 25-year career has been at UCLA Health, where she has worked in outpatient clinics counseling on healthy eating and diabetes education. She has a passion for helping clients make lifestyle changes to reach their health goals and find an eating plan that’s right for them.

Julie Ferrell RDN

(Registered Dietitian Nutritionist)
